Lab Grown Diamonds

A natural diamond is a gemstone that is made of pure carbon. It is the most complex natural material known to man and has been used as a jewel since ancient times; real natural diamond is created when high-pressure rocks, called kimberlite, are forced deep into the brilliant Earth’s mantle and subjected to extreme heat and pressure over an extended period of time. 

When these rocks reach the surface, they form volcanic pipes that lead to an area where magma comes out at the surface. The magma cools and crystallizes into diamonds when it reaches the surface. The process of heating and cooling graphite over time turns it into a diamond. The process is called carbonation.

The process of creating a synthetic diamond in the lab is still a mystery to many. Some say that the process is so tricky that only God can create one. However, scientists have been able to recreate diamonds in laboratories, but not without some difficulties. The main difficulty was getting all the carbon atoms into an exact arrangement at the right time to bond together and form a diamond crystal.

Diamond is a natural product, but it has always been a man-made object. The process used to create diamonds has been known for centuries and has remained unchanged since then, except for technological advancements and materials used by scientists today. The first diamonds were created in the lab by heating up graphite, which is often found in coal.

Lab-created diamond is becoming a trend because it is more affordable and environmentally friendly than their mined counterparts.

History of Making Diamonds in Laboratories

Gemstones were originally formed deep within the Earth, then they were discovered by humans, and finally, they became a product that we could make in the lab. It starts with the discovery of diamond deposits in India, which led to the development of diamond-cutting technology. From there, it was only a matter of time before diamonds were manufactured on an industrial scale.

Diamonds are made in labs by heating up carbon in a high-pressure environment. The pressure generated from the heating process forces the carbon atoms to bond into diamond crystals.  Although making diamonds in laboratories is complicated and expensive,  the finished product is worth it because diamonds are so durable and beautiful.

Diamonds have been around for a long time. The first diamonds were found in India about 4 billion years ago.

Diamonds first appeared in the 16th century when Portuguese traders brought them to India from Brazil. At that time, they were used as gems and decorative objects, not industrial materials.

In the 17th century, diamonds were introduced to England by Dutch traders who discovered large deposits of diamonds in South Africa. By the 19th century, the production of diamonds was commercialised, and the industrialization of cutting and polishing processes began.

In 1954, synthetic diamonds were finally made in a laboratory by a team of scientists led by Dr H. L. Smith and Dr M. F. Benson of the General Electric Company in the United States.

Brilliant jewellery has been known to be precious for centuries, but only recently did it become more accessible to the general public than ever before. The invention of the diamond-making machine by American inventor Charles F. Hall allowed companies to mass produce diamonds at a lower cost and higher quality than before, which led to a rise in diamond production worldwide throughout the 20th century.

Contents of Diamonds Made in Labs

Diamonds are created by scientists from a series of experiments and tests. They take nano-sized carbon particles and put them into a high-pressure chamber with a laser beam. The pressure of the chamber creates enough heat, which turns the nano-sized carbon material into plasma.  This plasma is then directed toward the surface of a diamond crystal. 

The heat causes atoms in the material to activate and bounce off each other and the walls of the containing environment, producing different types of light ranging from infrared to ultraviolet wavelengths. The diamond crystals are then cooled down again, and when they reach room temperature, they emit light in all these different wavelengths at once. 

This process can be repeated several times before the experiment is complete so that it can create more than one diamond crystal per run.

The contents of diamonds are atoms that fit raw materials heated up during the creation process with a laser beam.

How are Lab-Made Diamonds Created

The process of creating a diamond involves a complex technique that starts with making a rough sketch. It involves many steps that take place over a long period of time. Below is the summarized process of creating diamonds from start to finish:

  1. The raw material starts as an ore called a diamond seed.
  2. The ore is crushed into powder,  mixed with other materials, and formed into pellets or slabs.
  3. The pellets or slabs are then heated at high temperatures to fuse them into pieces of rocks, which will become rough diamonds.
  4. After being heated, the laboratory-grown diamonds enter an oven, where it undergoes annealing.
  5. Lastly, the finished product is polished to increase diamond clarity.

Annealing is the process that makes the stone stronger by softening its crystal structure so that it can withstand further heat treatment without breaking apart; this also allows for better light absorption. The diamond-making process can sometimes be complicated and requires a lot of patience and perseverance. 

Are Diamond Made in Labs Real?

The answer is “yes” for the most part. The diamonds that are made in labs are usually of very high quality and are comparable to the ones that are mined from the earth. The main difference between these two is that lab-made diamonds have a much higher value due to their scarcity.

Diamonds have been mined for thousands of years, but it was not until the discovery of high-pressure heat in 1885 that they became accessible and affordable to everyone. Diamonds are formed when carbon atoms get trapped under layers of other minerals like quartz which causes the carbon atoms to become purer than before. This process creates a diamond with an atomic structure so pure it’s called a “fancy” diamond or one with a high clarity grade like VS1 or SI1.

Difference between Lab Diamonds and Natural Diamonds

Earth-mined diamond is formed when the pressure and temperature inside of molten rock or liquid reaches a certain point. The pressure and temperature must be high enough to cause the carbon atoms in the stone to rearrange themselves into a single crystal lattice that is as tough and strong as steel but not brittle like glass.

Lab Grown Diamonds are created by building a tiny crystal of diamond in a laboratory. They are not natural, but they are still diamonds. They have been developed to be more affordable and accessible for consumers. Such developments also result in many benefits that are good ecologically.

Diamonds are generally categorized into two types: natural diamonds and synthetic diamonds. Natural diamonds come from rocks such as kimberlite, diamond pipes, or kimberlite diatremes, while synthetic diamonds are created in laboratories by humans using heat and pressure at high temperatures.

Lab Grown Diamonds

Why Favor Lab-Created Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds have a lot of benefits, but they still need to be widely accepted. Lab-grown diamonds are grown in a laboratory with the help of high-tech equipment. They contain all the same properties as natural diamonds, with the exception of being man-made.

Synthetic Diamonds are cost-effective and environmentally friendly. They can also be recycled or reused for other purposes in the future.

These cultured diamonds may be used in diamond jewellery. They may be incorporated into fashion rings, diamond earrings, diamond necklaces, stud earrings, diamond engagement rings, and other fine jewellery.

Lab-made diamonds provide a sustainable future for our earth by reducing pollution caused by diamond mining and increasing transparency of the supply chain of these jewels.


In conclusion, with the help of science, lab-made diamonds are now available to more people than ever, which is excellent news for those who love them. As more people learn about the benefits of lab-grown diamonds, they may start preferring these stones over mined diamonds. This could lead to a larger market for lab-grown diamonds and help preserve our natural resources.


How do diamonds made in labs get certified and graded?

Lab-made diamonds are graded by a diamond grading agency. They grade and certify the diamonds according to size, clarity, colour and cut. The grading process is quite complex. This is because there are many factors to consider, such as the type of diamond, its origin, the quality of its facets, and even its weight.

Lab-created diamonds are graded using different methods. The grading scale is based on the 4Cs of diamond quality: cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight. Diamonds are graded according to these standards to determine their value and suitability for purchase by consumers.

The most common method used to grade lab-created diamonds is the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) scale which grades them from D (poor) to VVS1 (very, very slight). Other scales, such as the AGS or HRD, may also be used depending on the company’s preference.

How much are diamonds made in labs?

Lab-made diamonds are the perfect gift for any occasion and can be pricey. The average price of lab-grown diamonds is £‎1,550 per carat. However, because the market for lab-grown diamonds is still in its infancy and there are not many players, this price can fluctuate over time.

Lab-grown diamonds are more expensive than other gemstones, such as emeralds and rubies, because they require significantly more energy to create.

Are simulated diamonds the same as lab-made diamonds?

A simulated diamond is made up of an array of tiny particles. And it is a type of gemstone created by several processes that are not completed, but the final product still looks like a diamond.

 For lab-made diamonds, the process starts by using graphite to create microscopic particles called graphene balls. These balls are then coated with an agent called boron nitride and heated in a nitrogen gas environment to form nanocrystals. This process creates tiny diamonds, which grow in size as they react with gases and liquids in the atmosphere.

Simulated diamonds can be used for jewellery or industrial purposes, such as aiding the production of semiconductors or improving catalytic reactions by enhancing chemical reactions between molecules.

Lab-made diamonds are more expensive than simulated diamonds. However, they are also more durable and rarer. Lab-made diamonds have a higher value because they are more challenging to replicate than simulated diamonds.