Engagement is a particular time in a couple’s life, and choosing the right ring is a big part of setting the tone for their future. But with all the different styles and materials available, how do you know which is suitable for you and your partner?

Luckily, many ways to keep your engagement ring looking brand new without spending a fortune.

Clean Diamond Necklace

Diamonds are one of the most famous pieces of jewellery in the world. They are often given as gifts, and they are also a symbol of wealth. However, diamonds can get dirty. If the diamonds are not cleaned properly, the dirt and dust will accumulate over time and will cause the diamond to lose its shine.

There are many benefits to cleaning diamond necklaces regularly. So let’s look at how to clean your diamond necklace!

Why Should You Take Care of Your Diamond Jewellery?

1. Shine and Brilliance

Diamonds are one of the most famous jewellery items. They come in many different shapes and sizes and can be made into various jewellery pieces. There are many reasons why you need to take care of your diamond jewellery, and one of them is to maintain shine and brilliance.

Shine is what makes diamonds look beautiful. When light hits a diamond, it reflects off of the facets in the diamond’s surface. This reflection creates a sparkle that we see when jewellery is worn. Diamonds with a high level of shine will look brighter and more attractive than those without them. 

Brilliance is another essential factor when it comes to diamonds. Diamonds have a natural tendency to fluoresce – that is, they emit light when exposed to ultraviolet light. This light can be seen as the sparkle we see when diamonds are worn.

2. Protected from Damages

Diamond jewellery is one of the most popular and valuable pieces of jewellery. A diamond’s natural beauty and sparkle symbolise love, wealth and prestige. However, diamonds are not immune to damage. Here are some reasons why you need to take care of your diamond jewellery:

  1. Diamonds can be damaged by exposure to extreme heat or cold.
  2. Diamonds can also be damaged by contact with liquids, chemicals or other sharp objects.
  3. Diamonds can be scratched or chipped when worn against other hard surfaces.
  4. Finally, diamonds can also be damaged by impact, such as when they’re dropped on the floor.

When taking care of your diamond jewellery, it’s essential to keep these risks in mind so that your jewellery remains in perfect condition.

3. Avoid Expensive Repairs

Diamond jewellery is a crucial part of many people’s lives, and it is something that they want to keep in the best condition possible. However, there are a few things that you need to remember when caring for your diamond jewellery.

First, diamonds are one of the most valuable stones on earth, so it is essential not to damage them. Secondly, diamonds are susceptible to humidity and temperature, so it is vital to keep them away from both extremes.

Finally, diamonds can be scratched or damaged by other pieces of jewellery or objects if they are not taken care of properly.  These factors make diamond jewellery one of the most delicate items you will ever own, and it is vital to take care of it accordingly.

4. Maintain its Value

Diamonds come in various shapes and sizes and can be expensive. So it’s essential to take care of your diamond jewellery. Here are some tips for maintaining its value:

  1. Keep your diamond jewellery clean. Diamonds are susceptible to dirt and dust, which can dull their shine and damage their surface area. Clean your diamond jewellery with a bar of mild dish soap and water or a jeweller’s polish. Never use harsh cleaners or chemicals on your diamonds; they could damage them.
  2. Store your diamond jewellery properly. Diamonds are delicate stones, so don’t store them in a location where they’re subject to heavy vibrations or impact from other objects.

How to Clean a Diamond Necklace or Diamond Earrings?

Clean Diamond Necklace

1. Baking Soda

Diamond jewellery is often considered one of the finer things in a woman’s wardrobe. The delicate diamonds and precious stones can be expensive to maintain, which is where baking soda comes in as one of the processes to clean diamond jewellery.

Baking soda has been used for centuries as a natural cleaning agent and is especially good at removing grease and oil from surfaces. It also helps break down dirt, residue and cleaning agents, which can cause damage to the surface of your diamond jewellery.

One advantage of using baking soda when cleaning diamond jewellery is that it effectively removes grease and oil. This means that it won’t leave behind any residues which could potentially cause damage to the diamonds or other precious stones on your jewellery.  

Another benefit of using baking soda when cleaning diamond jewellery is that it is environmentally friendly.

2. Jewelry Cleaner

Jewellery cleaners are one of the many processes used to clean diamond jewellery. They have several advantages and benefits, which make them an ideal choice for cleaning diamond jewellery.

The main advantage of using a jewellery cleaner is that it removes dirt, dust, and fingerprints from diamond jewellery. It can also remove other types of contaminants, such as grease and oil, which can damage the integrity of the diamonds. Additionally, using a jewellery cleaner will help restore the shine and lustre of your diamond jewellery.

Some reasons you should use a jewellery cleaner are that it is safe for both you and your diamonds, it is easy to use, and leaves your diamond jewellery looking sparkly clean and restored.

3. Ammonia and Cold Water

When cleaning diamond jewellery, ammonia and cold water are two of the most popular methods. Here’s a look at their benefits, advantages, and uses.

Ammonia is well known for its ability to clean metal and stone jewellery. It has a high pH level, which means it can eat away at contaminants, and is a potent oxidising agent that helps break down grease, oil, and other chemicals. Ammonia also has a wetting effect which helps dissolve dirt and grime.

Cold water is another popular way to clean diamond rings. It has the same cleaning ability  as ammonia but with the added benefit of being non-toxic. . Cold water also has a numbing effect on the skin, which helps reduce friction and wear on delicate jewellery components.

4. Dishwashing Liquid

Diamond jewellery is a piece of jewellery that is made from diamond. It includes rings, necklaces, and bracelets. It can be costly, so it is essential to ensure that it is clean and free from dirt and stains. One process that can be used to clean diamond rings is using dishwashing liquid.

One of the benefits of using dishwashing liquid to clean diamond jewellery is that it is a non-toxic solution. This means that it will not damage the diamond jewellery or cause any harm to the wearer. Additionally, dishwashing liquid can remove stains and dirt from diamond jewellery without damaging the diamonds.

Another advantage of using dishwashing liquid to clean diamond jewellery is that it can be used on various surfaces.

Daily Practices to Take Care of Your Diamond Jewellery

1. Inspect the Diamond

Diamonds are a luxury item, and it is essential to keep them in good condition. Inspecting the diamond is one of the practices to care for diamond jewellery. Here are some advantages of inspecting your diamond:

  1. Inspecting the diamond keeps it in good condition.
  2. It can identify problems early on, which can be fixed before they become more significant problems.
  3. If any repairs are needed, they will be done the first time correctly, saving you time and money.
  4. It can help you determine if the diamond is worth keeping or not

2. Brush the Diamond

Brushing the diamond is one of the practices to take care of diamond jewellery. It helps keep the diamond clean, which in turn keeps it looking its best and increases its lifespan. Here are some key benefits of brushing your diamond:

  1. It Keeps Diamond Jewellery Looking Clean: Diamond jewellery is often seen as a symbol of luxury and wealth, so it’s essential to keep it as pristine as possible. Using a brush to clear away dust and other debris,  keeps your diamond looking its best for years to come.

It Increases Lifespan: Not only does brushing help keep your diamond looking clean,  it can also help increase its lifespan by preventing corrosion and other damage from happening over time.

3. Handle with Care

When it comes to diamond jewellery, few things are more important than taking care of your pieces. Here are some of the benefits and advantages of handling diamond jewellery with care:

  1. Diamonds are one of the most durable gemstones out there. Minor damage, such as scratches or chips, won’t affect their appearance or durability. Some people even say diamonds can gain value if they’re treated well.
  2. Diamonds are a natural enhancer for any outfit. They add an extra level of luxury and refinement to any ensemble, making them perfect for special occasions or everyday wear.
  3. Proper handling of diamond jewellery will also help preserve its resale value down the road. Treating a diamond properly will prevent it from becoming dull or cloudy, decreasing its value significantly.

4. Protect Your Diamonds

  1. Diamonds are one of the most valuable gemstones on the market. They are often considered a symbol of love and luxury. However, like any other jewellery, diamonds must be taken care of. Here are some essential tips to keep your diamonds safe:

    1. Always store your diamonds in a safe location. Keep them out of the reach of children and pets and away from extreme temperatures.
    2. Remove any scratches or dents from your diamond before storing it away. This will help to prevent damage from happening in the future.
    3. Only wear diamond jewellery if it is fully polished and free of blemishes or signs of wear. This will help to ensure that your diamond jewellery remains in good condition and won’t tarnish or lose its shine over time.

5. Keep it Away from Sinks

Keeping diamond jewellery away from sinks is one of the best practices to take care of your sparkling treasures. Here are some benefits and advantages of keeping the jewellery away from sinks:

  1. Keeping diamond jewellery away from sinks preserves its brilliance and protects it from water damage. It also helps avoid staining and build-up on the surfaces of the pieces.

Keeping diamond jewellery away from sinks also has practical reasons. For example, if you accidentally drop your diamond ring into a sink full of water, it will be easier to catch the diamond ring if it’s kept out of the water. Additionally, when placed on a towel or in another dry location, diamond jewellery can sometimes slide around while you’re bathing or swimming, avoiding scratches on porcelain or tile surfaces.

6. Use the Glass Jar Method

There are many ways to take care of your diamond jewellery, but one of the most important is to use the glass jar method. This is a simple way to keep your jewellery clean and free from harmful chemicals.

One benefit of using the glass jar method is that it is easy and doesn’t require any special equipment. Plus, it’s a safe way to store your jewellery so you can avoid damaging it. Another advantage is that the method conserves energy using less water than conventional cleaning methods.

The glass jar method is a good choice for taking care of your diamond jewellery because it’s eco-friendly. By using less water, you’re helping conserve resources and reduce pollution levels.

7. Keep it on a Chain

When it comes to jewellery, keeping it on a chain is one of the best practices to take care of it. Here are some of the advantages of doing so:

  1. Keeping your diamond jewellery on a chain helps keep it safe. Not only can a thief not steal it, but the chain also acts as a deterrent should someone try to grab your jewellery.
  2. A chain also helps keep your jewellery looking new for longer. The metal links stretch less and don’t wear down as quickly, meaning you’ll have a diamond necklace or bracelet looking better for longer.

There are many different ways to use a diamond necklace or bracelet chain, from holding keys and ID cards to making an easy bracelet closure. It’s up to you which way works best for you!


In conclusion, diamond cleaning requires using specific techniques and products that should be carefully considered to preserve the diamond’s lustre and integrity.

While it is not always necessary to have your diamond necklace cleaned, it is essential to consult with a professional if you notice any signs of wear or damage.

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Is hydrogen peroxide effective for cleaning diamonds?

You can disinfect your diamond engagement ring with Windex and Hydrogen Peroxide if you’re looking for a way to enhance its sparkle and remove bacteria. By removing dirt build-up with Windex (or other ammonia-based cleaners) and using hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria, the ring will shine brighter than ever.

Is toothpaste safe to use on diamonds?

No, that’s the short answer. Your ring should not be cleaned with toothpaste If you use toothpaste on your jewellery, it may cause scratches or pits.

Is hydrogen peroxide capable of cleaning jewellery?

Yes, absolutely! Make sure there is enough hydrogen peroxide in the bowl to cover the piece you want to clean thoroughly. There will be no bacteria left on the surface after the solution is applied. After 15-20 minutes, remove the jewellery from the peroxide.