
Any parent who feels obligated to ensure their child or children have all the required clothes and supplies may find that getting ready for the new school year is difficult.

However, a child struggling in silence may feel considerably worse upon returning to school following the summer break.

Back-to-school worry is rife among children of school age, and if unspoken, it can cause child suicide.

While discussing kids’ mental health isn’t as taboo as it once was, there’s still a long way to go. A great start is looking at what’s trending on social media.

On TikTok and Twitter, preteens and teenagers discuss the “back to school necklace.” Although parents may dismiss it as just another must-have accessory, it has a deeper meaning that shouldn’t be ignored, because talking about it can save a child’s life.

What Exactly Is A "Back-To-School" Necklace?

According to Urban Dictionary, an internet or popular slang dictionary, a back-to-school necklace is “another name for a noose.” This is connected to how miserable you feel when starting school again.

So, if you hear a child discussing buying a back-to-school necklace, it could be another way of saying that they intend to commit suicide. This may be because of Gen Z’s dark humour, but it is still worth considering.

Where Can I Get A Back-To-School Necklace?

Back to school often refers to the beginning of the academic year after the summer break, as in back-to-school shopping or time. The back-to-school necklace refers to the way a noose is cinched around a person’s neck as a necklace. (The phrase “necklace” has long been used in slang to refer to a noose.)

It’s unknown if the expression “back to school necklace” is slang for a noose. This slang phrase has been used on social media since August 2012, but it was but it was in 2013 that memes with the slogan and a picture of a noose were the first to use it.

Who Uses Back To School Necklaces?

The phrase “back to school necklace” is a slang expression used by students to express their apprehension about returning to class after the summer holiday. Although it is frequently employed in a darkly comedic manner, using any term related to suicide can signal the possibility of self-harm.

Depression Warning Signs

Here are some indications of depression to look out for if you have a child in school:

  • Irritating mood.
  • Disinterest in favoured activities, as well as in friends or family.
  • Extreme rejection sensitivity.
  • Self-esteem is low.
  • Excessive self-criticism or blaming.
  • Insufficient energy.
  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping
  • Appetite changes.
  • Weight loss or growth that occurs suddenly.
  • Isolation.
  • A sudden drop in academic achievement.

What You Can Do To Improve Your Child's Mental Health

Balancing education and mental health can be difficult for children, particularly at the start of the school year. Here are some suggestions for dealing with child and adolescent depression during the school year:

  • Take a walk outside. While it may seem like the last thing they want to do, taking your child for a short stroll can help boost their attitude.
  • Set attainable objectives. When school begins, your child will probably have a lot on their plate. Please encourage them to set reasonable and attainable goals to stay organised.
  • Create a journal. Your child may struggle to articulate their emotions. A notebook could assist them in better understanding their emotions.
  • Make a routine. Depression may influence your child’s motivation. Developing a daily routine may assist your youngster in remaining productive.

How can you fulfil your child's needs?

If you’ve gotten to where your child has acknowledged that they are worried about school, you should know there are many ways to proceed. Much of it will depend on how intense their stress and worry are–are they only mild enough to be joked about, or are they severe enough to damage their mental health? If the latter, you should, without a doubt, seek expert help who can lead your child through and assist them in returning to a stable emotional and psychological baseline.

But perhaps your child is superficial. Remember that just because someone opens up to you doesn’t mean they want you to fix their problems.


It is just so much you can do to help your child’s mental health in the end. It might be time to seek the assistance of a mental health professional if your child or adolescent is experiencing severe depression.


What does gifting a necklace mean?

The gifting of a necklace is a symbol of love and commitment. It is often given to signify the seriousness of the relationship.

Gifting jewellery has been a tradition for centuries. It has become integral to many cultures and traditions, especially Western ones. In some cultures, exchanging jewellery without being married or engaged to the recipient is inappropriate.

What does a choker necklace symbolise?

A choker necklace is a type of necklace that is worn close to the neck. It is called a choker because it “chokes” the neck.

Celebrities like Rihanna and Lady Gaga have popularised this type of necklace. The chokers they wear are usually long and wide, but some people also wear short and narrow.

Chokers can be any colour, but black ones are the most popular because they match most outfits. They are also a good option for those who want to cover up their necks because they are not as revealing as other necklaces could be.

The chokers have been around for decades but became more popular in recent years thanks partly to celebrities wearing them on red carpets and at events like the Grammy Awards and the Academy Awards.

What does a necklace symbolise?

A necklace is a piece of jewellery that is worn around the neck. It can be made of many different materials, such as metal, plastic, or cloth. Necklaces are often used to show that the person wearing them has a certain social status or rank. They can also be used to show how much someone loves someone else.

What does a necklace with a triangle mean?

Triangles stand for power and everything or any concept with a triple nature. A triangle represents realisation, illumination, revelation, and a higher viewpoint. It is frequently used to indicate growth cycles that lead to a higher state of being.